The U.S. Is Failing Ukraine (and western democracy)
With our failure to support Ukraine, we have failed to support democracies worldwide and given Putin and other dictators an open road going forward
In recent days the United States Congress, led 99% by the Kremlin supporting GOP, has defeated a proposal by President Biden and the Democrats to send about $50 billion in critically needed aid to Ukraine. The reason for their “no” vote? They want to hold Ukraine aid hostage to their demands for increased border security and the building of a wall along the Mexican-United States border. They know full well that the National Security of the U.S. and Europe is directly tied to the outcome of the war in Ukraine, but they just don’t give a damn. The Fascist Party of the United States (FPOTUS) is, as always, playing to the most radical elements within their party, MAGA, who hold racist views of all non-white immigrants and see the mixing of races through immigration (legal and illegal) as the greatest threat to U.S. National Security, way above that of Putin’s Russia. Therefore, building a literal wall to keep out all people of color from entering the U.S. from the Latino south is their top priority in this Gilead wannabe nation of white Christian Nationalists.