This is another one of the articles I wrote some time ago that I believe is at least as relevant today as it was when originally published near the end of 2020. I amaze myself at how prescient I can be sometimes:-) Thus, I feel it deserves to be dusted off and reposted so those of you who missed it the first time around can read it, digest its contents, and then you can decide if my opinion as to its relevance to the situation in America today is on the mark, or if I am totally misguided and just don’t get it. After reading this article, please ask yourself the following question: Are we worse off today than we were three plus years ago when I first set these digital words down, or has America somehow pulled itself out of the deep political and cultural morass of that dark time and once again become the beacon of stability, freedom and democracy for the rest of the world to aspire to and depend on?
When I wrote this, America and the world was in the middle of that very tense and uncertain period between the November 2020 election and the insurrection of January 6, 2021. The threats of violence towards our nation’s institutions and public officials and the specter of a president who might not peacefully relinquish power for the first time in U.S. history were very real possibilities. Going into the new year of 2021 and the presidential inauguration on January 20th, the United States, and indeed, the entire Western world braced for the worst. I would argue that what we eventually got, and what we are still dealing with, was worse than even our worst nightmares.
You decide.